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Sweet Colors: Food Coloring and Dyes

As you enjoy your green beer this St. Patrick's Day, dive into the world of artificial color additives in your favorite foods and drinks.

The Science of Candy: Sugar Chemistry

This Valentines Day, learn about the chemistry behind those sweet treats you’re giving your Valentine. Have you ever wondered how candy is made?

The Chemistry of a Healthy Thanksgiving

On Thanksgiving, we express gratitude and share a traditional meal with family and friends. And whether you’re cooking a feast for two or 20, you can be thankful for the role that chemistry plays when preparing the turkey, side dishes, and pies.

How Chemistry Helps You Enjoy Holiday Festivities

The holiday season is upon us. Let’s look at some of the ways chemistry helps us enjoy the many activities of the season.

Cooking with Silicones

Known for their superior flexibility, heat resistance, non-stick properties and safety for human health, silicones are a reliable and convenient partner in the kitchen.

Fired Up for Summer: The Chemistry of a Barbecue

It’s National Barbecue Month, and as we officially kick off the start of summer this Memorial Day, many Americans will be firing up their grills and hosting friends and family for an outdoor barbecue. How does chemistry play a role in barbecuing? Read on to find out!

Types of Plastic Food Packaging and Safety: A Close-Up Look

You don’t have to be a scientist to understand the many ways plastics are useful.

Is It Safe to Microwave Plastic? Answering Common Safety Questions About Plastics Food Packaging

Heating up last night’s leftovers in a plastic container? It’s easy to check to see whether a plastic container or wrap is safe to use in the microwave.

The Sweet Chemistry of Five Summer Fruits

You may hear a lot of talk that “chemical free” foods are the healthiest for you and your family. But even Mother Nature knows that chemicals are in everything, including the healthiest, most delicious foods.

Keeping Lunch Cool: The Chemistry of Lunch Boxes

As parents are preparing kids for back-to-school, lunch boxes are often at the top of the shopping list. Lunch boxes can fit easily into backpacks and help protect soft foods like bananas and peaches during busy commutes and chaotic school days.

Does Coffee Need a Cancer Warning Label in California?

Have you heard that your cup of coffee may come with a cancer warning in California? For many people, the idea of starting the morning without their regular latte or double espresso is unthinkable.

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