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Sweet Colors: Food Coloring and Dyes

As you enjoy your green beer this St. Patrick's Day, dive into the world of artificial color additives in your favorite foods and drinks.

Celebrating Science and Chemistry During Women’s History Month

March marks Women's History Month, a time to celebrate the achievements of women who have broken barriers and paved the way in various fields.

The Science of Candy: Sugar Chemistry

This Valentines Day, learn about the chemistry behind those sweet treats you’re giving your Valentine. Have you ever wondered how candy is made?

Celebrating Black History Month: Three Notable Black Chemists

Black scientists have pioneered discoveries that changed our world, even in the face of educational and social challenges. During Black History Month, we celebrate three such trailblazers:

The Chemistry of a Healthy Thanksgiving

On Thanksgiving, we express gratitude and share a traditional meal with family and friends. And whether you’re cooking a feast for two or 20, you can be thankful for the role that chemistry plays when preparing the turkey, side dishes, and pies.

How Chemistry Helps You Enjoy Holiday Festivities

The holiday season is upon us. Let’s look at some of the ways chemistry helps us enjoy the many activities of the season.

Cooking with Silicones

Known for their superior flexibility, heat resistance, non-stick properties and safety for human health, silicones are a reliable and convenient partner in the kitchen.

How Chemistry Helps Make your Photos Picture Perfect

Photography is a fascinating blend of art and science, where chemistry plays a crucial role in capturing and developing images.

Unmasking Chemistry’s Contributions to Halloween Safety and Fun

It’s that time of year again…leaves are falling, there’s a nip in the air and little witches and wizards are getting set to make their rounds.

Role of Chemistry in Vaccine Ingredients and Safety

Hailed as one of the ten great public health achievements of the 20th Century by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), vaccines can help save 2 to 3 million lives every year.

Chemistry in Everyday Life: Ways to Introduce Chemistry to Kids

Chemistry isn’t just a course requirement – it’s a key part of many of the items students use throughout the school day. Chemical compounds help create durable and reliable school supplies, clothes, sports equipment and classroom learning aids.

The Chemistry Behind a Healthy Smile

It's National Oral Health Month, and what better way to celebrate than by diving into the chemistry behind your daily dental routine?

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