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Key Points/Overview

Key Points/Overview

Zinc oxide is used in a wide range of cosmetics and personal care products, including makeup, nail products, baby lotions, bath soaps and foot powders. Zinc oxide is also used in skin protectants, such as diaper rash ointments and sunscreen products.

Zinc oxide is used as a bulking agent and a colorant.

The FDA has determined that this white, powdery mineral is safe for use in cosmetic products in concentrations up to 25 percent. The FDA has approved use of this mineral in cosmetic products.

Uses & Benefits

makeup and cosmetic samples

Zinc oxide is used as a bulking agent and a colorant. In over-the-counter drug products, it is used as a skin protectant and a sunscreen. Zinc oxide works as a sunscreen by reflecting and scattering UV radiation. Sunscreens reduce or prevent sunburn and premature aging of the skin.

sunscreen products

Safety Information

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has conducted extensive reviews of the safety of zinc oxide for use as a color additive in drugs and cosmetics and as a sunscreen and skin protectant active ingredient and has stated that zinc oxide may be safely used in cosmetics. FDA also has also approved the use of zinc oxide for use in over-the-counter skin protectants at concentrations up to 25 percent, and in sunscreen drug products at concentrations up to 25 percent.


What is zinc oxide?

Zinc oxide, is a white, powdery mineral with a long history of use as sun protection. It is also used to create other products, such as diaper rash ointments and makeup.

What are zinc oxide powder uses?

Common examples of zinc oxide powders include foot powders and makeup. As an ointment, it is also used in diaper rash products and sun protection products.

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